Registering a company in Dubai Textile City - YB Case 2024

Registering a company in Dubai Textile City

Dubai Textile City

Dubai Textile City (DTC) is a FZ, which began to exist in 2000, after the signing of an agreement between the port customs, the FZ corporation and Textile Merchants Group (Texmas). Texmas is the top textile wholesaler in Dubai. To successfully open a business in Dubai, you may need the support of specialists who will assist in registering a company in Dubai Textile City.

Speaking in more detail about Texmas, its main goal is to expand boundaries of technical trade. To achieve its goals, the company built offices, exhibition halls, warehouses at its own expense. Texmas also provides its employees with advanced equipment. Customs and Immigration Services (EZW) contribute to the development of business and the access of this Free Zone to world markets.

DTC FZ works with the government to maximize the impact of their goals.

You can set up a company in Textil City for free in 2 legal structures:

  • FZ-LLC, which is an independent legal entity, stockholders can be both individuals and legal entities. Initial capital depends on the type of activity.
  • A branch of a local level or an international company, activities of which depend on the parent company.

You can register a firm in Textile City FZ in such areas:

  • textile;
  • fashion;
  • trade industry;

Advantages of DTC FZ:

  • 100% tax exemption for individuals and legal entities;
  • an absolute property of a foreign commercial organization;
  • full repatriation of funds;
  • no customs fees;
  • a subarenda is possible;
  • long rental available;
  • the possibility of extending the lease;

A registration process:

  • Register a trademark in UAE and confirm with a document;
  • Submit an application;
  • Get government approval;
  • The owner/shareholder/manager is required to provide a copy of each passport and a resume;
  • Be sure to conclude a lease and confirm this;
  • When concluding a contract with a local agent, you must provide a notarized power of attorney;

* The authority may require additional documents.

Stages of registering of a commercial organization in DTC FZ for legal entities:

  • Register TM in UAE;
  • To start business in Dubai is possible after approval by the authorities;
  • Provide MOA and AOA (notarized);
  • Provide a decision of the board of directors;
  • Provide a plan for your business;
  • Obtain a certificate in UAE in the region of origin;
  • Shareholders and managers must submit copies of passports and personal information;
  • A bank statement;
  • Documented location of the company;
  • To rent a room or a plot;
  • Notarized power of attorney for the local agent;

If you are interested in the process of creating a business in the UAE, then in this case you may need advice on opening a company in the free zone of Dubai, as well as assistance in opening a bank account with a in the UAE.

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